Payment Policy

Tuition is due by the first class of the month. Monthly payments are not taken automatically from your account. If not paid by their first class, a $10 late fee will be assessed after the 7th. We accept cash, check, or credit card payments. Please note there is a $2 charge added to any credit card payment. We do not offer refunds or prorate tuition for missed classes or absences. If your child does not attend the first two weeks of classes in a month and there is no payment, they risk being automatically withdrawn from their class. (The month of June is prorated for all students since classes end on the 14th of that month.)

Withdrawal Policy

Your child is automatically enrolled in their class until June 14th. If you would like to withdraw from class, we require 2 week’s notice via email in order to avoid a $35 withdrawal fee.

Class Attire

All students should wear a leotard or athletic wear that covers their entire torso during class, and will be barefoot for class. Long hair should be tied back and no dangling jewlery. Training in sports bras or half tops is not permitted. Thank you for your adherence to this policy.

Class Make Up Policy

Monthly class tuition is based on a 4-week month. June will be prorated for 2 weeks and is paid along with May tuition. Throughout the year, some class days will have 5 weeks in a month and these “extra classes” are considered built in make-up classes that we use to offset holiday closings or absences. We will provide make up classes periodically starting in December.